Sunday, April 14, 2013

Class in Session!

It's no surprise,  gardening is really its own universe. There is a vast, vast, infinite amount of knowledge you just can't acquire in one lifetime. You are filled with excitement when you find what works. But you realize you've only scraped the surface. Most of the time, you are left to experiment over and over, realizing the multifactorial truth behind a successful vegetable garden.  And so I decided to take a spring gardening class with UC Victory gardening workshop (Through the University of California Cooperative Extension), to help push along my novice efforts. Yesterday was the first of a 4-class series.  Learned some basic good info on soil, how important it is, and how to test it for composition using alum powder. 

Also, I think I  figured out why my new little tomato seedlings (see previous post) didn't take. It was way too early. I didn't wait for the first true leaves to grow and hurriedly transplanted them down to the raised bed. But that did not work!  They died :(  Mark, our gardening master teacher, showed us an awesome, healthy tomato seedling already growing its first true leaves. He pinched off the lowest couple leaves, which are supposed to grow some amazingly strong roots when transplanted. Very cool-  I'm looking forward to the next class!

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