Friday, December 13, 2013

Veronica's Kitchen Day 13: Farms and Farmer's Markets

In the old world, farms and farmer's markets were not the exotic finds that we have come to rediscover here, in the U.S.  In fact, they were the norm. There was nothing terribly glamorous or "unique", about food that came straight from the farm, unaltered. After all, the food that was sold in open air markets was usually harvested from natural, organic sources. Organic in the original sense. No pesticides or waxy residue were found on apples and pears. Chickens laid eggs with a bright orange-yellow yolk, and goats were used for the very nutritious milk they provide. It was expected that vegetables have a few dents and holes here and there, and that carrots and eggplants be irregularly shaped, and imperfect-looking tomatoes be cohorted with gorgeous, artsy-looking ones. Most importantly, one could tell the real thing by the earthy fragrance it emitted. It was indeed, a different world, as Veronica would recall. It was a more "natural" way of living. 

But this world still exists today.

Farmer's markets are everywhere. With a little thought, some coordination, and planning, it is entirely possible to shop week to week at the local Sunday farmer's market. Finding the beautiful bounty is the best part. Like a Picasso or Modigliani, fruits and vegetables too, must have their imperfect beauty. That is the only way you know that they made their best effort to stay true to themselves!





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