Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Veronica's Kitchen Day 25: Gifts of Christmas

 Merry Christmas to all!
Hope you have enjoyed in sharing these mini tributes to Veronica's kitchen over the last 25 days!
Christmas was always a joyful celebration for her. Having family around, making and partaking in food was what she truly lived for.
 So, I wrap up this series of articles on a semi-sweet, (rather than bitter sweet) note. Semi-sweet, because that's how she baked her cheuregs, and how she liked her chocolate. And, of course, that is how she enjoyed her morning cup of Armenian coffee!
Below are the last batches of cheuregs she made, along with olive bread, and a jar of olives, just 2 days before falling ill. Had she been around this holiday season, surely she would be serving these
to you, our fine guests.
So..."Hrametzek", as we say in Armenian.....or "Please, help yourself"....
Blessings, and love from Veronica's Kitchen

And, please, stay tuned for more from MY kitchen, in 2014!
Thank you for tuning in....

Veronica's olive bread- made from scratch


  1. Beautifully written and beautiful ending for a more than beautiful lady. Bravo Mariette !! Thank you for sharing.
    LOVE !

    1. Oh, thanks so much. It is a pleasure for me, and thank you for reading.
      Please continue to tune in, as I will share more food adventures, AND recipes, as we enter 2014!
