Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Veronica's Kitchen Day 18: The Tuning Fork

Anybody who knows how humming and singing is good for the soul, knows what I'm talking about. In the shower, in the car, and especially, in the kitchen, singing not only keeps you company, but it's also an instant mood-lifter. It is said that the vibrations from singing or humming a tune actually raise serotonin levels in the brain. "Veron-mama" knew this little secret quite well. She'd break out in a song when she got deeply introspective or needed an extra push, especially when preparing something extra special in the kitchen.

Though we appreciated her gifts and talents beyond the walls of the kitchen, our little, undiscovered soprano sang mostly for her orchestra of pots and pans, infusing vibrations of her voice into her artful dishes. One of those tunes she sang was called Summertime, a jazz standard immortalized by Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and other greats. She would hum this tune often, and could sing at least the first few verses. My mom, brother and I would not believe what we were hearing. It was just so unlike her. It was a rare glimpse into the world she once must have shared with my grandfather.

Just like food can seduce a man, I could also see how Grandma must have 'woed' Grandpa back in the day with her singing. Even more than the cooking itself, it may have been these little coquettish moments with her cute little apron on, breaking out of her restrained self, to reveal her real womanly, sensual, playful side. Well, we too got to witness a few of those rare moments in the last few years. And if we were really lucky, she'd even throw in a little dance move while at the stove!

If she could have heard the version below, she might have been in awe, rolling her eyes back, especially at hearing the voice of Louis Armstrong, to which she'd simply shake her head and marvel with, " inch avor tzayneh", (wow, what an amazing voice).

Check it out: Summertime, by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong:

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